10 Interesting Cleopatra Facts
Cleopatra facts present the information about the most beautiful woman in the world. This woman is always associated with beauty. This queen always fascinated men during her era. Many experts believed that she was born in 69 BC. Her father is Ptolemy XII (Auletes). If you want to know the surprising facts about the Macedonian queen, read the following facts below:
Cleopatra Facts 1: Egyptian Throne
Egyptian throne was given to Cleopatra when she was only 18 years old and his brother named Ptolemy XIII when he was only 10.
Cleopatra Facts 2: Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was the man who helped Cleopatra to restore the Egyptian throne as a queen. The battle was easy because Julius Caesar was helped by the Romans.
Cleopatra Facts 3: Ptolemy Caesar
Ptolemy Caesar is the son of Cleopatra. The Egyptian people called him as Caesarion.
Cleopatra Facts 4: Leaving Egypt
Keeping the Egyptian throne in her pocket is not easy to do. The adviser of her bother forced Cleopatra to leave Egypt. She went to Syria where she collected power. Then she came back to Egypt and claimed that the throne was hers.
Cleopatra Facts 5: Triumvirate
Triumvirate includes Octavian, Mark Anthony and Lepidus. They got a help from Cleopatra to chase Brutus and Cassius. Both were the assassins of Caesar.
Cleopatra Facts 6: Mark Antony
Mark Antony played an important role to make a plan in the battle of Phillippi. He called Cleopatra to come to the Cicilian city of Tarsus. They won in the battle.
Cleopatra Facts 7: Dress
When Cleopatra met Mark Anthony, she dressed look like Isis. It was derived from the Greek goddess whom many people linked with her beauty. He went with Cleopatra to Egypt and left his three kids and wife Fulvia in Rome.
Cleopatra Facts 8: Birth
While Mark Antony came back to Rome, she delivered twins. The name of the twins was Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene.
Cleopatra Facts 9: Protection
Cleopatra wanted to rule Egypt. He got a help form Mark Anthony. She made him promised to protect the crown of Cleopatra as a queen in the country. He also promised to Cleo to save the family in exile.
Cleopatra Facts 10: Infidelity of Mark Anthony
Even though Mark Anthony is not faithful to her when he married Octavia or Octavian’s half-sister, she was on his side all of the time.
The death of Mark Anthony was indicated because of miscommunication. He took suicide by using his sword when he was informed that Cleopatra was dead. Hearing the death of Mark Antony, Cleopatra also killed herself. Many people believed that Cleopatra is the most beautiful woman in the world. However, many experts stated that Cleopatra is not as beautiful as the scholars and writers think. This woman had a masculine looking body. Are you satisfied when reading facts about Cleopatra?