10 Interesting Berlin Germany Facts
Berlin Germany facts present the information about one of the biggest cities in the world. When people want to travel around the world, they include Berlin in the list on vacation. The people living in the city are abundant. Based on the census of 30th November 2010, the local people were 3.459.218. The foreigners were around 472.321. Get more facts in the following post:
Berlin Germany Facts 1: the total area
Berlin has the total area around 89 square kilometers. You can compare it to other cities in the world. Berlin is smaller if you compare it with London since London has the area of 1572 square kilometer. However, Berlin is bigger than New York City for it is only 789 kilometers.
Berlin Germany Facts 2: Spree
Spree is the longest river in Berlin. It was the length of 45.1 kilometers. The biggest lake in Berlin is Großer Müggelsee. It has the area of 7.4 square kilometer.
Berlin Germany Facts 3: Television Tower
Television Tower is the highest Building in Berlin. It has the height around 368 meters. The highest natural elevation can be seen in Müggelberge with the height of 114 meters.
Berlin Germany Facts 4: Berlin districts
Berlin is divided into some districts. Some of them include Lichtenberg, Charltotenburg Wilmersdorf, Marzahn Hellersdorf, Neukölln, Mitte, Friedrichhain-Kreuzberg, Steglitz-Zehlendorf, Neukölln, and Spandau.
Berlin Germany Facts 5: novels
There are several famous novels in Berlin. Some of them include Christopher Isherwood: Goodbye to Berlin (1939), Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929), Cees Notoeboom: All Souls day (1999), John le Carré: The spy who came in from the cold (1963), and Christa Wolf: Divided Heaven (1963).
Berlin Germany Facts 6: films in Berlin
There are some movies created in Berlin. You can watch Cabaret (1972) with Liza Minelli, Good bye, Lenin! (2003) with Daniel Brühl and Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis (1927).
Berlin Germany Facts 7: Nazi
The power in Berlin, Germany took over by Adolf Hitler. Nazi’s main interest was to abolish the Jewish population in Germany.
Berlin Germany Facts 8: Olympic Games
Olympic Games were held in Germany in 1936. Hitler spread the propaganda during the games.
Berlin Germany Facts 9: WW II
The allied bombing in WW II made half of Berlin people lose their home. Many people died because of this situation.
Berlin Germany Facts 10: FIFA World Cup
FIFA World Cup was celebrated in Germany in 2006. It was one of the biggest events in the world that gathered people all over the world. The final of world cup was half in Olympic Stadium.
There are many tourist attractions that you can visit when you are in Germany. Don’t forget to enjoy the local foods because they are very declivous. Are you satisfied with facts about Berlin Germany?