10 Interesting Pocahontas Facts

Sunday, June 2nd 2013. | History

It is interesting for you know more about Pocahontas facts. Pocahontas is one of the wonderful Indian women. She is the daughter of Native American chief.  The Indian and British at that time can live peacefully for about 8 years when the marriage between Pocahontas and English settler occurred. Read the following Pocahontas facts below if you want to know more interesting stories:

Pocahontas Facts 1: Jamestown

Jamestown has been discovered by English settlers in 1906. The Jamestown marketplace had been the place where Pocahontas used to play with some boys. Her attitude brought attractive impression for the settler as she helped the boys pulled out the cartwheels.

Pocahontas Facts 2: Pocahontas’ name

Maybe Pocahontas is a very unique name for you. This Indian word means the playful one. Her real name actually is Matoaka. Her father is the native Indian chief named as Powhatan.

pocahontas and captain john smith movie

pocahontas and captain john smith movie

Pocahontas Facts 3: Captain John Smith

It is believed that Pocahontas friendship that makes the relationship between the English colonist and Indians in peace. Captain John Smith stated that Pocahontas had saved her life when he would be killed by Powhatan warrior. But the historians did not believe this story.

Pocahontas Facts 4: Visit to England

Pocahontas was treated as a princess when the Virginia Company invited her to come to England with her bother in law, Tomocomo and husband, Rolfe. She was greeted in warm welcome by King James I, Queen Anne and Anglican bishop of London. Read another fabolous Indian woman in Sacagawea facts.

pocahontas and son

pocahontas and son

Pocahontas Facts 5: Mother of Pocahontas

Her father Powhatan had 27 children. Pocahontas’ mother passed away when she was born.

Pocahontas Facts 6: Date of birth

When talking about her birth of date, it is believed that she was born on 21 March 1595.

Pocahontas facts

Pocahontas facts

Pocahontas Facts 7: Kidnapping

The kidnapping of Pocahontas was conducted by Captain Samuel Argaill for he wanted to bribe Powhatan. He got a hand from a member of Pocahontas tribe by giving him a copper kettle.

Pocahontas Facts 8: Living in Jamestown

His Christian name is Rebecca. She learned to speak English as soon as she was living in Jamestown.

Pocahontas in her teen age

Pocahontas in her teen age

Pocahontas Facts 9: Pocahontas’s marriage

She married a tobacco grower named John Rolfe. She had a son names Thomas Rolfe who can be the richest tobacco grower in Virginia. If you want to know another state where many Indians lived, click South Dakota facts.

Pocahontas Facts 10: Death of Pocahontas

She died when she want 22 years old because of tuberculosis. The first film about this wonderful lady and Captain John Smith was created in 1924. It was a silent movie.

Pocahontas Movie

Pocahontas Movie

Many people admire Pocahontas for her bravery, strength and self-determination.  Even though the love relationship between Pocahontas and Captain John Smith cannot be proved by any evidences, people still believe it to be true. Probably you have watched Pocahontas cartoon movie from Disney. It is very wonderful and fun. By knowing the facts about Pocahontas, you can realize the false and true ideas from the movies.

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