10 Interesting Hans Holbein The Younger Facts

Friday, March 14th 2014. | People

Hans Holbein The Younger facts are collection about information related to this artist. If you can get further info about the artist, you can love to do art activities further. Therefore, learning the facts can become your first step to do the consideration about how to get along well with him.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 1: birth

If you want to learn fact about Hans Holbein the Younger facts, you need to know about his birth first. Hans was born in 1497. It was in the same city where his father was born. The name of the city was Augsburg.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 2: studied in Basel

He had studied and painted in Basel, Switzerland. He had achieved social position as Burgher at his age of 23. This position had provided him with opportunity in order to paint a mural within Great Council Chamber on Basel’s town hall. It was in 1521.

Hans Holbein The Younger facts

Hans Holbein The Younger facts

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 3: woodcuts

In Basel, Hans Holbein the Younger had become so much noted or famous because of his woodcuts. The purpose was to become the title pages or also book illustrations. There was his most famous woodcut consisted of 41 scenes such as The Dance of Death.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 4: rugs

You may be surprised about an item which had adopted his name because of the patterns which are frequently used in his painting. It was Holbein rugs. The patterns consist of octagons twisted along with arabesques.

Hans Holbein The Younger Image

Hans Holbein The Younger Image

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 5: Desiderius Earasmus

His name had gained popularity as well in England. It was because of his talents and great activities. There was a famous humanist who had the role in introducing Hans to English Court. It was Desiderius Erasmus.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 6: King Henry VIII

It was during his last 10 years of life, he served King Henry VIII of England. He conducted painting for substantial number of portraits of the nobility and royalty of England. The estimation number of his paintings was 150.

Hans Holbein The Younger Painting

Hans Holbein The Younger Painting

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 7: fashion designer

It was noticed as well that he also conducted fashion designing for court artist for Henry VIII. Yet, his works were lack of psychological or emotion depth.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 8:  wives for Henry VIII

Holbein was sent to Europe in order to paint portraits of potential wives for Henry VIII. It was Anne of Cleves who became the best option for the King.

Hans Holbein The Younger Pic

Hans Holbein The Younger Pic

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 9: Sir Thomas More & Thomas Cromwell

He also completed the portraits of both the Thomas Cromwell and Sir Thomas More.

Hans Holbein The Younger Facts 10: death

Holbein died in 1544. The cause of his death is the plague of London in such year.

Hans Holbein The Younger

Hans Holbein The Younger

The facts about Hans Holbein The Younger are your quality information to read about. Based on this reason, you can notice in how to get further facts about him based on the online sources or different types of sources.

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