10 Interesting Gerard Butler Facts
Gerard Butler facts are collections about information about this actor. Many people especially women indeed have gained charm from him. Yet, they may require knowing in how to be able to gather further information related to this famous actor. The facts below can help you indeed.
Gerard Butler Facts 1: hate himself
Gerard Butler once said that he hated himself. It was because he ditched the accent to land Hollywood roles. He was born in Glasgow. In Hollywood, he had begun to speak only in American accent.
Gerard Butler Facts 2: smoking
This actor had the habit in smoking up to past summer in the year 2005. In such year, he made the other attempt in order to quit smoking so far. The result was good as well.
Gerard Butler Facts 3: handsome men in Hollywood
There was a note about 40 most Handsome Hollywood Men. He actually was in certain place such as #14. It was no doubt that he got the quality to be in such position right? Any women may approve this fact absolutely.
Gerard Butler Facts 4: the presenter
He also once was the presenter at 2003 Europe Music Awards of MTV. He conducted such task of presenter along with his fellow Scotsman named Billy Boyd.
Gerard Butler Facts 5: assaulted a paparazzi
He assaulted a paparazzi photographer on October 7 2008. The main reason was because the paparazzi had become so much aggressive in pursuing him all evening. This had become a trouble for him.
Gerard Butler Facts 6: law degree
He actually had law degree that he got from Glasgow University. Yet, he later gave up this because of his career preference. It was also because he had been fired from certain law firm. It was one week before he was qualified to conduct law practice.
Gerard Butler Facts 7: surfing accident
He once suffered from surfing accident when he was filming Chasing Mavericks. He was rescued I such accident. This indeed had become so much terrifying experience for him.
Gerard Butler Facts 8: never get married
It is a fact that he never conducts engagement and also marriage.
Gerard Butler Facts 9: the residence
His had primary residence in London. Yet, he also had lofts in New York City. What people need to know is that he spent much of his time in LA.
Gerard Butler Facts 10: alcoholic
He also once was a heavy alcoholic drinker. It really became his problem. He needs help from expert to remove this addiction.
For more facts about Gerard Butler, you can conduct interviews to people who have relation to him. This can be so much popular interested to discuss about indeed. So, just let learn more about him to broaden your knowledge.