10 Interesting Cheese Facts
If you are passionate about food, read cheese facts below. There are many kinds of cheese that you can eat every day. Each cheese has different taste because the process to create the cheese is different. You can find the cheese from England, Netherland, Belgium or even Germany.
Cheese Facts 1: productsion of cheese in Britain
Cheese is one of the most popular foods in Britain. That’s why the production of cheese in Britain is very enormous. You can find more than 700 different names of cheese in Britain.
Cheese Facts 2: milk
Cheese is a product of milk. The people can get 1 kilogram of hard cheese from 10 liters of milk. Therefore, the cost of cheese is more expensive than a cheese.
Cheese Facts 3: cheesecake
It is recorded that the biggest cheesecake in the world is in the height of 1 foot and 10 inches or 56 centimeter. It is taller if you compare it with the shortest man in the world.
Cheese Facts 4: word cheese
You can read King James Bible and the word cheese occurs in the bible twice. It can be found in 2 Samuel 17 and Job 10. The word cheeses can be found in 1 Samuel 17.
Cheese Facts 5: cheese and food
Cheese usually is applied in various menus. It can be used as the topping of your cake or bread. You can also cook Italian food such as spaghettis and pizza with cheese as the main ingredient. Most cheeses taste salty.
Cheese Facts 6: St Bartholomew the Apostle
St Bartholomew the Apostle is considered as the pastron stain of cheesemonger. This term is uniquely addressed for the Florentine cheese merchants.
Cheese Facts 7: Stilton
Stilton is a term used to call cheese which is created in Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire or Derbyshire. If the cheese is not created on one of these counties, you cannot call it stilton.
Cheese Facts 8: Cambridge shire
Many people are still confused with the stilton term. The village of stilton is located in Cambridgeshire. Thus, the cheese produced in the village will never be termed as stilton.
Cheese Facts 9: Cheese-Guzzler O’Ruairc
In the past, Cheese-Guzzler O’Ruairc was considered as an Irish chieftain. This man died in 1204 due to the surfeit of sex.
Cheese Facts 10: ‘cheeseburger’
One of the most popular foods in the world is cheeseburger. This term was firstly recorded in a shop located in Burbank, California on 23rd December 1941.
Cheese is an important food that people like to eat each day. You can get calcium and protein by eating food. Cheese will be more delicious to eat if your combine with other foods such as burger or pizza. Do you have any suggestion on facts about cheese?