10 Interesting Leeds Facts
Leeds facts present the information about one of the interesting city in Great Britain. Do you know the motto of this city? It is pro rege et lege. The motto means for king and the law. It is written in Latin language. Find out more facts about Leeds below:
Leeds Facts 1: The Golden Triangle
The Golden Triangle is a famous term among the estate agents who work in Leeds. The triangle refers to the area located between York, Harrogate, and North Leeds. The location can be seen on the west and north Yorkshire.
Leeds Facts 2: railway station
Let’s talk about the railway station in Leeds. The station was used by at least 24.5 million people. It is equipped with 17 platforms.
Leeds Facts 3: The Morecambe and Wise Show
The Morecambe and Wise Show is one of the best shows in England. The only Chancellor of the Exchequer who has appeared on that show is the former Leeds MP Dennis Healey.
Leeds Facts 4: Leeds Town Hall
Leeds Town Hall was designed by Architect Cuthbert Brodri. His design won the prize of 200 pound sterling.
Leeds Facts 5: population
Leeds metropolitan is the home to more than 798,800. It is considered as a second biggest city in the England. The first biggest city in England is Birmingham. Read Birmingham facts here.
Leeds Facts 6: Leventhorpe Vineyard
Leventhorpe Vineyard is considered as the most commercial vineyard in Leeds. The exact location of this vineyard is Woodlesford.
Leeds Facts 7: house price
The price of the house in Leeds increases from time to time. Today people have to pay at least £164,713 to get a house. 10 years ago, you only had to pay £84,550 to get a house.
Leeds Facts 8: Brian Boffey
Brian Boffey is the Leeds scientist from Horsforth. In 1967, he discovered Jelly Tots. At that time, he tried to make a powdered jelly by using cold water.
Leeds Facts 9: green city
In the list of the Britain’s greenest cities, Leeds was in the sixth position. Therefore, Leeds is a good home for the people who want to enjoy high quality life and great environment.
Leeds Facts 10: Brazilian Soccer Schools
In 1996, Brazilian Soccer Schools was opened for the first time in Leeds. Today it has at least 600 branches of schools.
If you go to the city center of Leeds, you will be amazed with the shopping street and retail floor space. Are you amazed with facts about Leeds?