10 Interesting Tallahassee Facts

Thursday, November 24th 2016. | Cities

Tallahassee Facts present the details about the capital of Florida, United States. In the nation, Tallahassee takes the 126th place of the largest city. In 1824, it was selected as the capital of Florida. As of 2014, Tallahassee metropolitan area was the home for 375,751 people. It was inhabited by 181,376 residents in 2010. Let us get other interesting facts about Tallahassee below:

Tallahassee Facts 1: the importance of Tallahassee

Tallahassee is an important city in Florida for it serves as the primary area for agriculture and trade.

Tallahassee Facts 2: Florida State University

Florida State University is located in Tallahassee. The United States News & World Report placed the university at the 38th of the best public university list.

tallahassee facts

tallahassee facts

Tallahassee Facts 3: the other educational institutions

Another university that you can find in Tallahassee is Florida A&M University. By looking at the total enrollment in the university, it is considered as one of the largest black universities in United States. Check facts about the Gold Coast here.

Tallahassee Facts 4: a college town

Tallahassee is called, as a college town for it is inhabited by at least 70,000 students.

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tallahassee photo

Tallahassee Facts 5: other important buildings in Tallahassee

Tallahassee has many other important buildings such as Governor’s Mansion, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Supreme Court of Florida, Florida Bar, and Florida State Capitol.

Tallahassee Facts 6: the companies in Tallahassee

There are several companies in US based in Tallahassee. They include United Solutions Company, State Board of Administration of Florida, Municipal Code Corporation and Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.

tallahassee chinese festival

tallahassee chinese festival

Tallahassee Facts 7: the climate

Tallahassee has mild and short winter season.  The summer season is long since it has the humid subtropical climate. The autumn and spring seasons are dry.

Tallahassee Facts 8: the city limits

The city limits in Tallahassee feature the distinct neighborhoods like Los Robles, Betton Hills, Apalachee Ridge and Smokey Hollow.

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Tallahassee Facts 9: the language

English was considered as the first language for 91.99 percent people who lived in Tallahassee in 2000. The Spanish was spoken by 4.11 percent people. French and German made up 0.63 percent and 0.59 percent. Get facts about Lille here.

Tallahassee Facts 10: the accolades

In 2006, the National Recreation and Park Association awarded Tallahassee with “The Best in America Parks and Recreation”. The National Arbor Day Foundation named it as as Tree City in USA in 1992. The National Civic League gave the city All America City Award in 1999.

facts about tallahassee

facts about tallahassee

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