10 Interesting Prince Henry the Navigator Facts

Monday, December 1st 2014. | People

Are you curious to find out Prince Henry the Navigator Facts? He was the fourth son and the fifth child of King Joao. Prince Henry was famous as the navigator since he spent more of his life to map the west coast of Africa. Let’s check out more facts about Prince Henry the Navigator by reading the following post below.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 1: the sailing expedition

As I have stated before Prince Henry the navigator was famous as the explorer for the African’s west coast. He did it for several times.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 2: interest on African coast

Prince Henry built the interest to sail and explore the African West Coast after he attacked a country in Mediterranean Sea. At that time, he was only 21 years old. When he was 25 years, he built a palace on his own.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 3: squires

There were two squires of Prince Henry who wanted to join his expedition. Both of them begged to the prince so that they will be included in the voyage. Prince Henry agreed to take both of them. Finally they sailed to the south as far as they could.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 4: a doe rabbit

One of his squires stayed on a little island with other settlers and decided to live there. He gave a doe rabbit to Prince Henry because he was very sad to live the Prince in his voyage.  During the voyage, the doe rabbit produced a litter of baby rabbits.

facts about Prince Henry the Navigator

facts about Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 5: life span

Let’s find out the life span of Prince Henry the navigator. He was born in 1394. He passed away in 1466.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 6: a map

When he went to the Africa, he decided to create a map of the continent. His map was finished in 1434.

Prince Henry the Navigator Picture

Prince Henry the Navigator Picture

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 7: Sea of Darkness

Prince Henry was abandoned by some of his crew during the expedition because they were afraid with the sea of darkness.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 8: African slaves

When Prince Henry was in Africa, they captured some African people and sold them as slaves in 1441. Check facts about Africa.

Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 9: fame

Prince Henry was famous as a Portuguese prince, explorer, navigator and soldier. He was known as the first man who sailed in Gambia River of Africa. Check out another prince in Prince Harry facts.

Prince Henry the Navigator Facts 10: Christianity

The main purpose of his expedition was not only finding a new land, but also spread Christianity. He was successful doing his job since he should defeat the Muslims at that time.

Prince Henry the Navigator Image

Prince Henry the Navigator Image

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