10 Interesting Pope Benedict XVI Facts

Monday, June 12th 2017. | People

Pope Benedict XVI Facts tell the readers about a former Pope. He took the position in 2005. In 2013, he decided to resign from his post. He was born on April 16th, 1927 as Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger. He was the successor of Pope John Paul II. The 2005 papal conclave elected him as the new Pope. His title is Pope Emeritus after his resignation as a Pope.  Get other interesting facts about Pope Benedict XVI Facts below:

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 1: as a priest

In 1951, Ratzinger was ordained as a priest in Germany. In the end of 1950, he became a university theologian. In 1958, he became a full professor in the university.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 2: Archbishop

He became Archbishop of Munich and Freising after having a very long academic and teaching career. In 1977, Pope Paul VI appointed him as a Cardinal. This promotion was considered rare due to the little pastoral experience that Ratzinger had. Get facts about Catholic Church here.


Pope Benedict XVI Facts

Pope Benedict XVI Facts

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 3: in 1981

One of the major dicasteries of the Roman Curia, the Doctrine of the Faith elected him as Prefect of the Congregation in 1981. Check facts about Pope Benedict here.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 4: the role before Pope Election

He took the post as Dean of the College of Cardinals since 2002 until his election as a Pope. He was known as the closest confidants of John Paul II.

Pope Benedict XVI Image

Pope Benedict XVI Image

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 5: the point of view

In 1968, Ratzinger started to adopt the conservative point of view. At first, he was known as a liberal theologian. He defended the traditional value of doctrine of Catholicism through his writings.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 6: the papacy

When he became a Pope, he tried to turn back the Christian values for many western countries applied secularism.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts

Pope Benedict XVI Facts

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 7: teaching

He tried to make people understand the redemptive love of God and tried to show the importance of Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 8: traditions

The Tridentine Mass was more popular during the papacy of the Pope Benedict XVI. It became a significant tradition for the people. He encouraged the people to use Latin. Moreover, he tried to enhance the relation between art and Catholic Church.

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 9: the nickname

People often called him as the pope of aesthetics due to his reintroducing the traditional papal garments.

Pope Benedict XVI Facts 10: resignation

He decided to resign from his papal post due to his old age.

Pope Benedict XVI Pictures

Pope Benedict XVI Pictures

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