10 Interesting Moses Facts

Saturday, August 9th 2014. | Religion

If you are interested with ancient Egypt, you have to read Moses Facts. Moses was born in Egypt. He was the great grandson of Levi and the grandson of Kohath. His parents were Amran and Jochebed. If you want to know more about Moses, check the following post below:

Moses Facts 1: personal life

Moses married to the daughter of Jethro, Zipporah. During his early years, Moses was raised in the palace of Pharaoh. He lived for 120 years. Both had two sons, Gershom and Eliezer.

Moses Facts 2: Egyptian Royal House

Egyptian Royal House was the one responsible to educate Moses about government and tactics.

Moses  as Baby

Moses as Baby

Moses Facts 3: a Prince of Egypt

Even though he became the prince of Egypt, Moses spent most of his time as a shepherd. He was in the court of Egypt at 40 years old.

Moses Facts 4: Mount Sinai

The place where Moses met his brother was in Mount Sinai. Both also returned to Egypt together. Moses also found out the burnish bush in this mountain too.

Moses as a Leader

Moses as a Leader

Moses Facts 5: God’s messenger

Moses was the God’s messenger when he was 80 years old.  Then he became the leader of Israelites.

Moses Facts 6: the baby boy escaped

Moses escaped from death after his actual mother placed him on a basket. He was floated on the Nile River. The sister of pharaoh found him and adopted him as a son. At that time, the Egyptian pharaoh ordered the people to kill all male children from the Israelites. Therefore, the mother of Moses saved him by floating her baby on the river.

Moses Facts

Moses Facts

Moses Facts 7: Moses name

He got the name Moses which had the meaning Drown Out. The name was linked with his condition of being drowning out of the water.

Moses Facts 8: the enemy of pharaoh

After he found out his true identity, he was against the Egyptian pharaohs. Then he left Egypt and came to Midian. It was a country in Arabia.

Moses Pic

Moses Pic

Moses Facts 9: coming back to Egypt

When he became the god messenger, he was the leader of Israelites.  He asked the pharaoh to release the Israelites in the country. If the pharaoh refused his wish, the Egyptians would face various plagues. Check Isreal facts here.

Moses Facts 10: Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments were given by the God to Moses when he led the Israelites on Mount Sinai.

Morris Gleitzman

Morris Gleitzman

Moses led the Israelites away from Egypt to reach the Promised Land, but he passed away in Midian before they were in the Land. Are you impressed with facts about Moses?

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