10 Interesting Flint Michigan Facts

Monday, January 27th 2014. | Cities

Flint Michigan facts can be good source of knowledge for people. The main reason is because Flint Michigan is very unique city. The facts below can help you learn better about the city. Just read more actually.

Flint Michigan Facts 1: location

This city has the location in Genesee County. It is located along the Flint River. It is about 60 miles northwest of Detroit. The location is not hard to visit right?

Flint Michigan Facts 2: the population

Learning about a city should know about the information. In 1998, the population of this city is 131,000. The fact is that it is the 4th largest city located in Michigan. Yet, in 2000, the population of this city is only 124,943.

Flint Michigan Area

Flint Michigan Area

Flint Michigan Facts 3: the founder

Learning history about it is also recommended. The city was founded by Jacob Smith in 1819. He was a fur trader. He was incorporated in 1855.

Flint Michigan Facts 4: industries

This city has several important industries including lumber, carriages, trapping, and also automobiles. Those industries become more and more developing nowadays.

Flint Michigan facts

Flint Michigan facts

Flint Michigan Facts 5: sit down strike

There was sit down strike within the year 1937. It is because of such strike, any United Auto Workers have been turned into labor union of not.

Flint Michigan Facts 6: war material contributor

There is also interesting fact about this city Flint had become the major contributor of tanks and the other war materials. Especially during World War II, this city has been involved into heavy manufacturing facilities.

Flint Michigan Houses

Flint Michigan Houses

Flint Michigan Facts 7: deadliest tornado

On June 8, 1953, there was huge tornado struck the city. It was considered as the deadliest tornado in United States history. There were 115 people killed and 844 people injured.

Flint Michigan Facts 8:  collapse auto industry

This city is the example of the effects caused by the collapse of US auto industry. It was in 1970s.

Flint Michigan Recovery

Flint Michigan Recovery

Flint Michigan Facts 9: the climate

In fact, Flint is located in humid continental climate. Therefore it has four different seasons. People can enjoy summer in very warm and humid atmosphere. In Snowy season, the snow thickness is in average of 122 cm.

Flint Michigan Facts 10: sister cities

Flint Michigan has four sister cities including Changchun, Hamilton, Kielce, and also Tolyaltti. It is designated by SCI (Sister Cities International).



There are other facts about Flint Michigan. What you need to do is only to find good source about it.

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