10 Interesting Cyclone Facts

Sunday, December 22nd 2013. | Disasters

Cyclone facts give you the information about one of the most dangerous disasters in the world. People living in an area with higher risk of cyclones should be aware about this natural event. Sometimes people do not want to be evacuated from the area. Here are the interesting facts that you need to know about cyclones:

Cyclone Facts 1: definition

So what are cyclones actually? It is a violent rotating wind storm. The circling motion of a cyclone is different. In the northern hemisphere, it will rotate in counter clockwise. If the cyclone is located in southern hemisphere, it will move in clockwise position.

Cyclone Facts 2: construction of cyclones

Cyclones are formed by the fast circulation of are masses. The center area in the air masses comes in low pressure.

Cyclone facts

Cyclone facts

Cyclone Facts 3: types of cyclones

There are several types of cyclones that you have to know. Those include the tropical storm typhoon and hurricane.  Tornadoes are not included in cyclones.

Cyclone Facts 4: parts of cyclones

There are several parts of cyclones that people should learn. The main parts include the cloud chain, eye wall, and eye.

Cyclone from Space

Cyclone from Space

Cyclone Facts 5: eyes of cyclones

The size of cyclone eye is numerous. It can be in the range of 10 km to 100. If the storm is big, it will have bigger eyes. The eyes of a cyclone located in the center area.

Cyclone Facts 6: eye wall

The eye wall in a cyclone looted on the area around the eye. You can see an appearance of the wind just rolling like a snake around the eye of a cyclone.

Cyclone in Large Size

Cyclone in Large Size

Cyclone Facts 7: cloud

The cloud of a cyclone is located outside the eye wall.  When the wind storm rolls over, you can see the appearance of cloud which creates bigger cyclone.

Cyclone Facts 8: category of cyclones

There are some categories of cyclones identified based on the wind speed. The category one usually has the gales with the gust up to 125 kilometers per hour.

cyclone in Myanmar

cyclone in Myanmar

Cyclone Facts 9: cyclone category 2

If the destructive wind has the gust around 125 to 170 kilometers per hour, it is included in category 2.

Cyclone Facts 10: destructive cyclone

The very destructive cyclones are in the category 3, 4, and 5.  If the gust of the cyclone has the speed more than 280 km per hour, it is included in category 5.

Cyclone on the beach

Cyclone on the beach

In average, cyclone can last for 1 week before it vanishes. One of the most deadly cyclones is hurricane Katrina. It damaged parts of US. Could you give me some opinions on facts about cyclone?

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