10 Interesting Alzheimer Disease Facts

Thursday, September 5th 2013. | Diseases

Alzheimer disease facts present the detail information about one of the main diseases that people face in their old life. Most people have the disease when they are 85 years old or more. However, it is possible for an adult to have the disease in their young phase. Here are several facts to know about Alzheimer disease:

Alzheimer Disease Facts 1: Age and Risk for Alzheimer

It is stated that the people who come in the age for 85 are more risky to have the disease. Based on a report in 2012, 45 percent of the 85 years old senior citizens have it in America. Alzheimer is the common type of dementia faced by senior citizens.

Alzheimer Disease Facts 2: Alzheimer patients in US

It is estimated that the Alzheimer patients in US are around 5.4 million people. However, only a half of them realize that they live with Alzheimer. It is due to the fact that detecting Alzheimer in the early phase is not easy. Another disease involved with brain is seen in  bipolar disorder facts.

alzheimer brain

alzheimer brain

Alzheimer Disease Facts 3: Men and Women with Alzheimer

The risk to have Alzheimer is higher to women than men. More than 2/3 of Alzheimer patients are women. Another disease found in men and women is explained in diabetes facts.

Alzheimer Disease Facts 4: Early Onset of Alzheimer

You are wrong if you think that Alzheimer will grow in the older people. The early onset can be seen in the people with young age of 30 years old. The cause is still unidentified. But it is mostly because of the genetic component in the body.

Alzheimer Disease facts

Alzheimer Disease facts

Alzheimer Disease Facts 5: Development of Alzheimer Disease

It is stated that the new cases for Alzheimer disease develop every 68 seconds in US. It grows bigger in 2050 by developing a new case every 33 second.

Alzheimer Disease Facts 6: Death

Even though Alzheimer is not the first leading cause of death in US, people should know more on how to handle the disease. It is considered as the sixth leading cause of death in US.

Alzheimer Woman

Alzheimer Woman

Alzheimer Disease Facts 7: Caregivers

The people who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer need a help from the caregivers. More than 70 percent of the caregivers are women. They are unpaid because they usually are a part for the family.

Alzheimer Disease Facts 8: Physical Strain for Caregivers

We know that the Alzheimer patients are very severe. But their caregivers also have to cope with the emotional and mental stress. They need to handle the financial problem to treat the patients.

Alzheimer Patient

Alzheimer Patient

Alzheimer Disease Facts 9: Annual Cost

The Alzheimer patients need at least $43,847 to get a health care and LTC service based on the report in 2012.

Alzheimer Disease Facts 10: Sufferer Living Alone

The people who live with their family are lucky become they have caregiver. It is estimated that 800,000 American people with Alzheimer live alone at home.

Alzheimers disease

Alzheimer disease

Without any caregiver the people who live alone will suffer more because there is no one to talk to or serve the food. What do you think on facts about Alzheimer disease?

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