10 Interesting Alexander Hamilton Facts

Wednesday, March 12th 2014. | People

Alexander Hamilton facts are the basics trivia about this man. Alexander Hamilton for some people has become a hero. Yet, those who don’t know about him only will consider that he had no role at all for the US. You need to learn facts about him actually.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 1: who is he?

People recognize Alexander Hamilton as human rights advocate. Yet, there are many things that he had done as well including the way he helped in improving the minority’s conditions in United States. It was especially for any black slaves.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 2: birth

Next fact you need to know about him is about the birth. He was born on Caribbean island of Nevies. The area where he grew up had the culture where any man had 10 slaves approximately.

Alexander Hamilton Dollar

Alexander Hamilton Dollar

Alexander Hamilton Facts 3: young boy

When he was a young boy, he worked as a clerk for certain trading company. What he did is about in how to survive any documents in how to record the conditions and also arrivals of any captives.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 4: Haitan Revolution

Alexander Hamilton was also well known in supporting the Haitan Revolution. It was to advocate the trade with the new Haitian Republic. It helped them in designing the tax policy.

Alexander Hamilton facts

Alexander Hamilton facts

Alexander Hamilton Facts 5: trustee

Alexander Hamilton also had ever become a trustee and the namesake for Hamilton-Oneida Academy for Indian relations.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 6: lawyer

When he became a lawyer, he took up cases against the law that persecuted any loyalists there.

Alexander Hamilton Image

Alexander Hamilton Image

Alexander Hamilton Facts 7: revolutionary war

When the Revolutionary War began, he and his close friend John Laurens had proposed a plan in South Carolina. The purpose is to create some regiments of black slaves.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 8:  lobbying

He had lobbying the state and national legislators in order to support the proposal. Yet, it was still not approved by legislation of South Carolina.

Alexander Hamilton Pic

Alexander Hamilton Pic

Alexander Hamilton Facts 9: arguments

He also wrote to Continental Congress president John Jay abut the equality of black’s natural faculties.

Alexander Hamilton Facts 10: death

He died in 1803. Some people considered it to be twist of fate because Abraham Lincoln was born in the year 1809.

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton

The facts about Alexander Hamilton are interesting to learn about right? Especially for US citizen, Alexander Hamilton becomes so much popular in history. In fact, you can gather further info about him from different textbooks or articles out there.

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