10 Interesting the Early 1900s in America Facts

Friday, May 6th 2016. | History

The Early 1900s in America Facts talk about the era or political reformation and social activism in United States.  The political reform at that time had the intention to remove corruption in the United States government. These people believed that the direct democracy could be achieved if the corrupt representatives in the government were taken down. Here are other interesting facts about the American life in the beginning of 1900s.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 1: the equal competition

The equal competition was also another purpose in the era because the people wanted to establish the antitrust law. It was used to regulate the corporations and trust busting or monopolies.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 2: the political power

The power of the local bosses at that time was very high. The reformists tried to limit their power.

The Early 1900s in America Pictures

The Early 1900s in America Pictures

The Early 1900s in America Facts 3: women’s suffrage

Another key issue in America in the beginning of 1900s was also seen on women’s suffrage.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 4: the reformation in every sector

The reformation was encouraged by the activists in every sector such as insurance, finance, medicine, public education, local government, churches, railroad, economy and industries. Read facts about American history here.

The Early 1900s in America Pic

The Early 1900s in America Pic

The Early 1900s in America Facts 5: the national political leaders

There were many national political leaders in America in 1900s. The Democratic Party had Al Smith, Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan. On the other hand, the Republican Party had Charles Evans Hughes and Theodore Roosevelt.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 6: the supporters

The activities were supported by various people from different background such as teachers, business people, ministers, lawyers and physicians.

The Early 1900s in America Image

The Early 1900s in America Image

The Early 1900s in America Facts 7: corruption

Corruption was a major issue in 1900s. The national magazines such as Time and McClure’s tried to expose the scandal and corruption of high profile people. Get facts about slavery in America here.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 8: the solutions

The people tried to find out the best solution out of the social and political problems. Some of them thought that technology and sciences were the best ways. On the other hand, education was considered as the primary solution.

The Early 1900s in America Facts

The Early 1900s in America Facts

The Early 1900s in America Facts 9: the middle class women

The middle class women concerned with the social issues related to public health, suffrage, education and prohibition.

The Early 1900s in America Facts 10: NAWSA

NAWSA stands for National American Woman Suffrage Association. National Woman Suffrage Association and American Woman Suffrage Association were unified to form NAWSA in 1980.

Facts about The Early 1900s in America

Facts about The Early 1900s in America

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